Let's get your team winning more deals, faster

For companies where the economics of a full-time sales enablement hire doesn’t yet add up but your team would benefit from access to ongoing, pragmatic sales expertise.
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Sales Enablement as a Service

Turn on instant access to a strategic partner, coach, sales content creator, extra set of eyes, process documenter, trainer, idea generator… all for a flat quarterly subscription.

Weekly Calls

Engagements are anchored with a weekly consulting or coach call depending on your needs. This can be at the sales strategy level or simply diving deep on one issue.

Text Access via Slack or Teams

Access to support directly where your work happens. Strategic deal support, get feedback on an email or outreach, or get advice on how to manage a process or team problem.

Sales Process Review

An initial review of your current sales process, CRM stages, pitch deck and additional content, outbound messaging and sales conversations (if recorded)

Build New Collateral & Playbooks

Help to create relevant sales assets to support the customer journey including but not limited to: email sequences, collateral, keep warm/nurture content, outreach templates etc.

Live Team Training

Delivery of short training (30-60min sessions) in response to identified gaps from a process review and/or team interactions.

Plus Much More

Need help to write a job description for your first VP, Sales? You've got it. Need someone to help design a sales kick-off? Let's go! 
Dashboard mockupiPhone mockup

Securing Availability

This is a part-time offering that works around a full-time schedule. While this works well for both me and clients, to maintain high-quality work and great outcomes, I limit consulting to a maximum of 4 concurrent engagements.

Upcoming Availability

🔴  No availability
🔴  Referrals only
🔴  Referrals only

Flexible session timing

Get access to a custom booking link just for you, with the ability to shift times and dates as needed.

“Nathan has an outstanding grasp of the B2B SaaS sales process. We recently launched a SaaS product and engaged Nathan to review our sales collateral, refine our sales process, and provide coaching on our active deals. After completing Nathan’s program, the difference is night and day. We are now confidently moving prospects through a well-structured sales process with minimal objections. I would recommend Nathan to any SaaS startup and especially those with technical founders.”

Profile image of maria Petkovic
Marija Petkovic
CEO & Founder

Let's work together

One simple price for all-inclusive fractional access to support your sales growth in 2023.

Fractional Enablement

The most popular first-time arrangement
$3,500/ mth + GST
Fractional access to B2B sales advisory, including:
Weekly coaching calls
Customised sales playbook
Help via Slack/Teams
Review of your pitch deck
Upfront process audit
Review of your demo flow
1-3 hours p/w async work
Support your hiring
Access to all content
Team training as agreed
Book an initial consultation →

Fix the problems holding back your sales performance

Get an unbiased, external look into your sales process and then the help needed to make meaningful improvements to lift results.

Bring in outside expertise to support sales leadership

Sales is hard. Leading a sales team is even harder. Bring on a partner to help you work through challenges and set up your team for success.

Document and create a scale-ready sales playbook

Create a standalone internal asset documenting your sales process, team, ICP, dashboards/measurements and team expectations.

Working with Nathan was a fantastic experience. I came to him as my business was growing and I lacked fundamental experience in B2B sales. I like to think of it as 'selling in spite of myself'. In our first consultation, Nathan gave me a crash course on B2B sales and some action items. It made an immediate difference. Every session thereafter has been the same. If you're looking to up your B2B sales game, I couldn't recommend Nathan more — do it.

Profile image of Dylan O'Brien
Dylan O'Brien
CEO & Founder


Everything you need to know about the product and billing. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our team.
What kind of sales teams do you work with?
I specialise in B2B technology sales. Particularly early-stage SaaS businesses still discovering a repeatable sales process. I do some work with Sales Development teams but mostly focus on full-cycle sales (Account Executives) and Customer Success.

Note: I will not work with any cyber security companies to avoid any conflicts of interest.
Do you offer in person work?
In instances where your team is located in Sydney and is happy to work with early mornings, limited availability is possible for in-person coaching or live training.
What is availability like? What times will we engage?
ANZ: For Australian clients this is typically at beginning or end of a day - most teams prefer this as it does not take away from normal business hours dealing with prospects and customers.

USA: Your afternoons work well with my early morning, so we work to that overlap.

Asia: Late afternoon/end of day in Asia can often work well. Depending on your buyer and audience I may or may not be the best solution for you-| am more than happy to discuss this with you first.

Europe: Frankly, Europe can be difficult and I may be able to refer you to someone in your timezone.
How do I book sessions?
For consulting & advisory work, at the beginning of the engagement we'll work to find a suitable repeating time that works for everyone and schedule this ahead of time.
Shouldn't we be able to do this internally?
Some companies can, others either don't have the resources or simply don't have the experience. More often than not, founders and sales leaders that reach out have a small team that need support but can't justify headcount for a full-time sales enablement or operations person. I also have the vantage point of having seen many sales processes and teams and you get to take advantage of that.